Episode 012 Cynthia Weisbecker and Praying for Your Children

Episode 012 Cynthia Weisbecker and Praying for Your Children

Join Kimberly and Elise as they talk with Cynthia Weisbecker as they talk about their experience with Moms in Prayer International, a ministry whose vision is that every school in the world would be covered with prayer. In this podcast they share more about this amazing ministry, how it has changed their lives, and how you can find a group of praying moms in your area.

Episode 011 Kids and Money

Episode 011 Kids and Money

Join Kimberly Amici, Elise Daly Parker, and Kimberly Coyle as they talk today about Kids and Money. Kids learn about math, science, and language in addition to many other subjects. However, very little emphasis is put on money management. Even if basic skills are taught, topics such as living a life that allows you to be generous, how to save, and spending less than you earn are rarely covered. So how do we teach the next generation, specifically our kids, to have a healthy perspective of money and how to use it.  

Episode 010 Extending Hospitality

Episode 010 Extending Hospitality

Today’s show is all about hospitality. In this episode Kimberly Amici, Elise Daly Parker, and Noelle Rhodes are talking about what the Bible says about it and how important it is in building community and making others feel valued. They're also talking about how they feel about opening up their home, what prevents them from being more welcoming, and how to overcome it.

Episode 009 Self Awareness

Episode 009 Self Awareness

Two weeks ago we talked about some of the life’s transitions we have experienced, how we navigated them, and what we learned. After that conversation, we realized that there were two things that made every transition easier. Community and self-awareness. Today Kimberly, Elise, and Kimberly talk self-awareness, what it means, and some simple ways we can discover a little bit more about ourselves.

Episode 008 Surefire Ways To Drive Your Husband Crazy

Episode  008 Surefire Ways To Drive Your Husband Crazy

This week’s podcast we are talking about marriage. Specifically, what we can do to drive our husbands crazy… and it’s not what you think we mean. We mean crazy in a frustrating way. Join Kimberly Amici, Elise Daly Parker, and Noelle Rhodes talk the 5 tried and true methods to annoy her husband. If you are like us, you’ll identify with a few of these yourself.  

Episode 006 Friendship - 4 Things You Need to Know About Friendship

Episode 006 Friendship - 4 Things You Need to Know About Friendship

When we were kids it was easy to make friends. BFFs were the girls that lived in our neighborhood and the kids we were in class with. Then in college and our early 20s, proximity still played a big role in friendships but we also started to gravitate towards people that had interests similar to ours. After a few life transitions, we soon realized it isn't so easy to make and keep good friends. It wasn’t until recently that Kimberly Amici discovered the rules for grown-up friendships were a bit different from when she was a kid.

Episode 003 Starting Your Day with God

Episode 003 Starting Your Day with God

We hear a lot in church about how important it is to spend time with God but it is rarely ever followed up by what it really means or what it looks like. We asked our contributors at Circles of Faith how they spent their devotional time, it confirmed that there were many ways to pray, read the Bible, and develop a close relationship with God. So if you are interested in started this spiritual discipline or looking for ideas on how to enhance yours, today’s podcast is for you.

Episode 002 Realistic Summer Expectations

Episode 002 Realistic Summer Expectations

As parents, we sometimes set unrealistic expectations for ourselves or our families over the summer. We welcome the break from our routines and become determined to foster adventure. Have you ever associated summer with having more time, only to be disappointed with home projects left undone or bucket lists incomplete? Join Kimberly Amici, Elise Daly Parker, and Noelle Rhodes as they chat about a post written for Circles of Faith called A Mother's Guide to Losing Her Mind Plus a Few Ways to Keep It.