10 Tips for Exchanging Your Stress For God's Peace

 Exodus 33:14 says "My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Have you ever felt like stress was choking the life right out of you? As if you might implode if you have to face one more stressful situation?I know how that feels, because I’ve been there. Unfortunately, more than ever before, the world we live in today is packed with stressors, and everyone, women especially, are suffering the brunt of this universal epidemic.

Stress from parenting, marriage, work, finances, and worries over economy and politics plague our hearts and minds every day. Sometimes, it might seem like more than we can handle. Or maybe we think we are adapting well and managing our stress, but our bodies are showing signs of wear and tear – emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and even physically.

Fortunately, God knew that we would need stress relief. So when we reach the end of our rope, He is always there waiting for us, holding the solution to our stress and offering the peace that we are all so desperate for. We often think that changes in our circumstances will reduce our stress, but the changes really need to begin in our hearts.

The inner peace that comes from the miracle of a changed heart, a renewed perspective on life, and a reenergized faith is the only kind of permanent peace available. Massages, vacations, time off from work, and nights away from the kids offer temporary relief. Only a close relationship with God offers the lasting peace that we long for.

Are you ready to start exchanging a life of stress for a heart full of peace? Below you will find 10 tips for helping you tap into a peace-filled, less-stressed life.

1. Recognize what is causing you the most stress. Ask God to help you in those areas. Change the things you can change, but what you can’t change, turn over to God.

2. Reflect on what your definition of peace is. Is it based on your circumstances or your relationship with God? Ask God to help you relax because of who He is, not because life is conflict free.  

3. Reclaim your identity in Christ. Make sure that the opinion you have of yourself lines up with what God’s Word says about you, and not the opinions of others or the trappings of comparison. Forgive those who have hurt you and embrace your worth and value in Christ.

4. Redirect your thoughts. Focus on becoming an optimist, putting pessimism behind you.

5. Rearrange your priorities and control your busyness. Ask God for guidance about what your priorities should be right now, and for the courage to make changes as He sees fit.

6. Refresh yourself by reading God’s Word every day, so that His peace can fill your heart. Also make time for yourself and do something that you enjoy.

7. Release your fears and worries to God. Instead of letting them suffocate your joy and peace, ask God for the strength to trust that He has it all under control. 

8.Refocus on what’s really important in life. Don’t become consumed with sweating the small stuff.

9. Reinforce your faith. Spend time in prayer, study scripture, and fellowship with other believers. Equip yourself with spiritual armor so you will be prepared to stand strong when adversity strikes.

10. Recharge your life. Humble yourself before God; acknowledge your stress and embrace the true rest that He alone offers.

Join the thousands of women who have signed up for Tracie’s free 10 DAY STRESS DETOX.  Dig deeper into each of these 10 tips, get more information about how to apply them to your everyday life, and take advantage of daily personal challenges for each tip, Get more information on Tracie’s blog at www.traciemiles.com.

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You can also purchase Tracie’s newly released book, Stressed-Less Living: Finding God’s Peace In Your Chaotic World.  Visit the book website for free stress management tips and resources at www.stressedlessliving.com.

Tracie Miles is a national conference speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries. She speaks God's truths to empower and motivate others to depend on Christ in their everyday lives, and lead them to a place of peace and purpose through learning to live intentionally for Christ. Tracie is a contributing writer for Encouragement for Today online devotions that currently touch over 500,000 lives each day around the world.  She is the author of Stressed-Less Living: Finding God’s Peace In Your Chaotic World, and Reinventing Your Rainbow, and lives in North Carolina with her husband and three children. Learn more about her book at www.stressedlessliving.com and visit her at www.traciemiles.com.

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