What Have You Got to Lose? — Slices of Life

What Have You Got to Lose?


Recently I was watching a message by Joyce Myer. At the end, she had a video testimony of Danny Cahill. When Myer came to visit his church in 2006, he had a life-changing moment.

You may recognize Danny's name. He won The Biggest Loser in Season Eight. Before the show and before he heard Joyce Myer speak, Danny and Darci, his wife, were struggling financially, in their marriage, and family life. He was gambling and binge eating, which created chaos in his family. He ended up $45,000 in credit card debt and weighed 460 lbs.

The Way Out

One Sunday, Danny and Darci knew things had to change, but they did not know what to do. They prayed for God to show them the way. They went to church in the evening, and heard Joyce Myer speak.

She said, "The only way out (of bad circumstances or problems) is through. If you are running and hiding from something, it has power and authority over you."

Danny finally realized his addictions had power over him. The way through was to change his habits one step at a time. He paid off his debt by taking a second job, and tried out for The Biggest Loser in Season Seven. He finally made it in Season Eight. He lost the most weight of anyone on the show ever, and has kept it off for over two years now.

Routines Propel Us

We all have routines and habits we do every day. Some we have chosen intentionally, and others we do without even thinking. Routines propel us through our day.

How is your spiritual routine?  What are your spiritual habits?  Are you exercising your spiritual muscles each day to grow your faith? 

God desires to speak to us each day and give us power through His living word. <-Click to Tweet 

Most people think of routines as boring and ordinary. Yet, when I spend time in God's Word daily, He never ceases to amaze me. When I read His Word, even a passage I have read many times, I glean something new. I see it differently or God speaks to me.

Trusting Him

The word God has pressed on my heart for 2013 is trust. Recently, I read a Jesus Calling (Sarah Young) devotional as I started my time alone with God, and can you guess what it was about?  Trust.

The verse for the day was, Trust in the Lord, with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you the path to take. [Proverbs 3:5-6, NLT] 

While watching Danny's testimony, my heart resonated with Darci as she had watched her husband struggle for years with his weight and their finances. She asked God how she could help her husband, and God responded to her, “Do not do anything.”  God asked her, "Do you trust me?" 

God Reveals

Wow! I felt like an arrow had hit my heart. That was it! God has been asking me, "Do you trust Me?" for almost two years now.

Until that moment when Darci was talking, I was not sure why God kept asking me, "Do You trust Me?"  Then I realized, I had not trusted God to handle situations in my marriage. I believed nothing would ever change, and it would always be this way.

God overwhelms me when He speaks to my heart so lovingly. He reveals His heart for me when He reveals His truths to me.

Keep Connected

My spiritual routine keeps me connected to God throughout the day. My spiritual life is exciting, because I am open to hear God speak through other people, books, and whatever means He chooses. God has spoken to me through music, through messages on church marquees or bumper stickers.

How can you change your spiritual routine? 

What do you need to do differently?

Each morning many of us grab a cup of coffee or in my case, hot tea. I challenge you to grab your Bible before the newspaper or the morning show on TV.

It is my desire for every believer to have a thriving, growing, and healthy relationship with their Savior.

If you desire a more intimate relationship with your heavenly Father, read The Daily GPS ~ An Intimate Journey with Christ. Learn ways to grow closer to God, pray with intention, and seek to serve Him daily.

Click Here for The Daily GPS FREE download available on my website.

In what area of your life is God asking you, “Do you trust Me?” Let us know in the comments HERE.

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Joyce Glass is a writer and speaker, and lover of God’s Word. She shares how people are living their life for Christ on her blog at www.thedailygps.com. She inspires believers to grow more intimate with Christ, and encourages them to live out their faith by serving Him. 

Photo Credit: Joel Palmer at www.palmerphotography.com

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