Book Review: Preparing Him for the Other Woman by Sheri Rose Shepherd


A few months ago, I heard an amazing testimony from Sheri Rose Shepherd on the Focus on the Family broadcast. During the program, she talked about the journey of her life and deep pain she experienced. She shares how, on the verge of suicide, God saved and delivered her when she cried out to Him. God responded to her by connecting her to a missionary family that loved her through their actions. Shortly thereafter, she accepted Jesus into her heart.

Sheri married, had a son, and continued to develop her relationship with King Jesus.

One day while she was snuggling on the beach with her 3-year old Jacob, he looked at her and said: “Mommy, can you marry me?” Sheri responded by saying that she would love to, but mommies can’t  marry their little boys. Jacob cried and said, “Then who am I going to marry?” In an instant, something in her shifted; she realized that she was responsible for raising someone’s future husband. At that very moment, Sheri led Jacob to pray about his future wife.

Based on this revelation, God inspired Sheri to write the book: Preparing Him for the Other Woman published by Multnomah Books. This book is a future-thinking and unique read that emphasizes the importance of developing a strong mother-son relationship.

Sheri teaches us that some of the women of faith in the Bible were the influence that brought their sons and grandsons into the family of Christ.

 “when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.” 2 Timothy 1:5 (NKJV)

Mothers’ have a huge part to play in raising up the next generation of strong and courageous men of integrity. Being a mother to an adult son and two young boys, I was eager to dig into this book and to see what gems I could start incorporating that I may not have thought of before. Preparing Him for the Other Woman helps moms think about how to teach and nurture their sons in the following areas:

  • Teach Him to Understand the Heart of a Woman
  • Teach Him to Become a Hero
  • Teach Him to Express Love
  • Teach Him the Art of Affirmation
  • Teach Him to Resolve Conflict
  • Teach Him to Honor and Respect a Woman
  • Teach Him to Be a Man of His Word
  • Teach Him the Power of Purity
  • Teach Him to Provide for His Family
  • Teach Him to Have a Relationship With God
  • Teach Him to Become a Godly Leader
  • Teach Him to Be Accountable
  • Teach Him to Find a Good Wife

There is also a chapter that deals with how, we as mothers, can prepare ourselves for the other woman that will eventually be in our son’s life.

The author not only provides godly advice, but helpful tips for what to do with your sons in each stage of their lives, from ages 3-8, 9-13, and 14-19. For instance, in “ Teach Him How to Respect a Woman” chapter, Sheri suggests ways to show our sons how to sacrifice their own comfort at times, for their mothers’, in order to treat them with honor and respect. One of the ideas that I would like to do more often, is to have a date night with each of my sons indiviually. During these times, I can teach him how to open the door for me, how to order, and how to pay for the meal (with my money of course)…all valuable tools for the future.

At the end of each chapter, you will also find a prayer that deals with the subject just covered. I now cover my boys in prayer in areas that I have not focused on in the past.

“Dear God, Help me to show my son what it means to honor and respect women…Let his actions reflect that he is Yours…”

The essence of this book is how we, as mothers, can help shape a strong future generation of men. If you are raising sons, I encourage you to pick up a copy so you can think deeply about preparing your son to be a great husband and father one day. Enjoy!

Other books by Sheri Rose Shepherd 

If You Have a Craving, I Have a Cure: Experience Food, Faith, and Fulfillment a Whole New Way

His Princess: Love Letters from Your King

Your Heart's Desire: 14 Truths That Will Forever Change the Way You Love and Are Loved 


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Diana Jones is a compassionate wife, mother, grandmother and friend.

She is passionate about sharing God's love and all that He has done throughout her life. She is also looking for opportunities to grow spiritually through reading, prayer, singing and being in fellowship with others. She is thankful for the opportunity share her stories here at Circles of Faith.



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