Monday’s Child is Full of Grace…

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Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 (NJV21)

Our son is an aspiring musician, and he was preparing for a big performance. The night before, we set out a suit, pressed a shirt, debated ties, buffed dress shoes, picked socks, and packed everything including grooming products. Suit bag and tote at the ready, we were all set.

After breakfast the next morning, he grabbed his bags and headed out. When I heard his personal ringtone coming from my cell around lunchtime, I was moderately concerned. When I asked what was wrong, I heard a bit of trepidation in his deepening voice, “Mom, I need to ask you something.”

This boy has grown like a weed over the past six months. Like-new jeans have been mailed off to grandma for a “britches quilt,” I scored the chocolate brown timberland boots he never wore out, and several still-in-good-condition items have been set aside to donate to someone, anyone, as soon as we encounter that someone in need.

Apparently, one of his bandmates didn’t have clothes for the jacket-mandatory gig.

Haltingly, my son asked if we still had the navy blazer he’d just outgrown and if a friend could borrow it. Busy apologizing for asking, interrupting my day, needing help to make an accommodation, I stopped him short. All I could be was proud.

As parents, we are the sowers in Jesus’ parable teachings. We cast seed, teaching our children both by what we say (and do not) and what we do (or do not).  Are we careless and extravagant, consistently broadcasting good seed? Or, do we save Grace and model good behavior only when we think we’re being watched?

Do we parent like Pharisees pray?

On this day I had a lesson. My son asked if his friend could borrow the outgrown jacket, along with a shirt he specifically identified including its location (this is not a hyper-organized child). Seems his dad and I have been caught in the act of living and doing God’s Will (whew!). We’ve apparently extravagantly cast enough good seed that the lesson took--training up our child in the way he should go.

What a lesson to start the week. I was reminded of a nursery rhyme from my childhood, realizing this story might encourage another weary mom (or dad) struggling to know whether or not they’re doing it right. I know that the poem says “Tuesday’s child is full of Grace,” but it’s Monday, and I’m telling the story. So, let us not grow weary in well doing, as we are cautioned in Galatians 6:9.

I know we grow tired and often cannot see our way, but remember in due season, if we faint not, we shall reap bountifully.

I was so excited about that gig, at a world-famous destination for jazz, because among other things, it was date night for Dad and me. It’s also confirmation that even from our wilderness place, we still have the opportunity to bless. So, no matter what, I will not grow weary in well doing. I will never stop chasing Grace and Peace. 


Rochelle Wilson blogs at Treat Me to a Feast about her life lived forward, reviewed backward, through the lens of faith. She’s a PK (Pastor’s Kid), who’s been a Baptist church musician since she was five. Always a dancer and athlete, as an adult she turned to liturgical dance to deepen her personal worship.  It worked. Rochelle laughs a lot, is married to her first love and prom date nearly 20 years ago. Together God gave them two children and a boxer who is the other love of her life, confidante, therapist, and physical trainer.

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