Clothed in Love – A Heart for Orphans and a Way to Help Plus a Chance to WIN FREE Jewelry

Our friend Kristin Smith shares an Impact Opportunity each month…and this month, we’re sharing it with you!


This is me and my dear friend Delonna in Washington, D.C., earlier this fall! We had so much fun talking our way through the Botanical Gardens! ;)

Delonna is a fellow dreamer and a part of the God Sized Dream team. She has been such a blessing to me this past year. It has been exciting to see her grow her dream and watch the many ways God has used this dream to bless the lives of orphans.

I remember the day Delonna posted that she was opening a checking account for her non-profit organization, Clothed in Love.

In her own words - here is the mission of Clothed in Love:

"Did you know it is estimated there are over 150 MILLION orphans and abandoned children in the world?  That number makes me stop and think HOW CAN I HELP?

I want orphans and abandoned children to know that someone loves them and God has not forgotten about them. I want to show them TONS OF LOVE by visiting orphanages, sending care packages, providing shelter and supplies, and making donations to families so orphans can find their FOREVER FAMILY. Those desires gave birth to my God Sized Dream of starting an organization called Clothed in Love.

Clothed in Love makes handmade items to sell to fund orphan care projects. We believe every child deserves to be loved, especially orphans. For each purchase made at our Etsy shop, 50% of the proceeds are donated to a children’s home in Africa, Central America, and South America. In addition to fundraising, we will host service projects for students and families to learn how to make a difference in the lives of orphans. It is our hope to visit orphans in Central or South America and Africa at least twice a year to lend support and LOVE BIG on orphans."

Isn't that amazing?

When Delonna and I were at the Christian bloggers conference Allume, she sponsored two new children. And just a few days ago, Delonna sponsored four more sweet little boys in Africa.

Delonna, through her organization, is making a difference in the lives of orphans.

God placed this dream on her heart and she has jumped in, with full faith, trusting that He will provide her the way to sponsor these children.

The main way Delonna raises funds to support these children is through jewelry sales in her Etsy shop.

Delonna creates BEAUTIFUL necklaces, earrings, and bracelets; every piece is unique and handmade. I have several and love each one.

She has been working very hard the past several weeks to load up her shop for her big Winter Wonderland sale - which my friends starts TODAY!!!

Here is a little preview of some of the pieces Delonna is debuting today. I would really love to see her sell out and am asking for your help in making that happen.

Jump over to Delonna’s Clothed in Love Etsy shop and pick up something fun for yourself and you friends. Share this post on social media and help me spread the word. And please join me in continued prayer for Delonna and this mission she is on for God and orphans!

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Jungle Print Necklace.jpg
Black and Silver.jpg
Lavendar Bracelet.jpg

If you are interested in getting a sneak peak of the new listings head over to Clothed in Love's Instagram or Facebook.

 Let us know in the comments which jewelry of Delonna’s you love the most…and you could WIN a FREE pair of earrings! 

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Kristin Smith is a wife and mother, but most importantly, a daughter of the King – redeemed by His grace and so very grateful for it. Kristin blogs at The Riches of His Love and is the Prayer Team Leader and a Contributing Writer at God-sized Dreams. She can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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