Winsome - A Weekend Retreat for Discovering, Experiencing, and Reclaiming Joy By Kim Hyland

Winsome is a retreat for women of all ages, stages, and walks of life held each April at White Sulphur Springs Conference Center in the beautiful Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania.

I founded Winsome in 2012 after many years of dreaming about a different kind of woman’s retreat. One where a diverse group of women would gather to be inspired, challenged, and reminded of their heavenly Father’s immense love for each one of them.

Why Winsome? Because we all want to be! It literally means {JOY}some. And who doesn’t want some joy?

I'm not talking about circumstantial, bubbly, fragile joy, but deep, strong, messy, right-here joy. In these circumstances, good or bad. Joy, that not only brings happiness on our good days, but sustains us through our worst.

There are three ideals that guide all we do at Winsome. They are authenticity, diversity, and truth.

Imagine dropping about a thousand pounds of emotional weight and discovering that the woman you are today is the woman that already has the seed of a treasure within. 

It's a popular word in our culture, but diversity only begins with the color of our skin and ethnic background. There is a mountain of strength waiting to be discovered as we break down walls and embrace women from other backgrounds, seasons, and walks of life. Embracing diversity is the first step toward not only enriching our individual lives, but also toward becoming a strong community of women who together can be a powerful advocate for women in need.

Yes, truth. We believe it still exists and is the antidote to a world full of ills and lies. Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Truth leads to freedom, and freedom is the rich soil in which joy grows best!

Authenticity. Diversity. Truth.

Three words that have the potential to fill your life with joy. As women, we find our purpose and ourselves as we discover God’s great love, live authentically, embrace diversity, and are set free by truth.

The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet. ~ Frederick Buechner 

God has designed you with a unique purpose. He has placed His dreams in your heart. << Click to Tweet

And there is no greater joy than discovering that purpose, walking in these God-sized dreams, and bringing His love, truth, and justice to a waiting world.

Life has a way of burying our dreams and convincing us that what we can see is all there is. At Winsome we are passionate about helping you dig deep so you will uncover and fan the flame of your heart's dreams and desires.

With a relaxing lodge setting, an amazing speaker lineup, and you, Winsome will be a weekend of challenge, inspiration, and compassion as together we discover purpose, dreams, and joy through the message and hope of the Gospel.

I hope you'll consider joining us?

Register by January 31 and save $15! Even better, save $25 when you register with a friend!

You can find all the information at our website:

Kim Hyland is a writer and speaker, the founder and host of Winsome, an annual retreat for women, and the founder of Five-Fifteen, an organization fighting human sex trafficking through corporate prayer. She is also Jeff’s wife, a mom to five sons and one daughter, mother-in-love to three, and Amelia and Eli’s grandma! Kim’s passions are to love her family and friends well and encourage women through speaking and writing about her imperfect path and God’s perfect plans. Connect with Kim at her blog Winsome Woman and on Facebook & Twitter.

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