Cruising the Circles of Faith Calendar — Slices of Life

Cruising the Circles of Faith Calendar

Don’t know where to go to find Christian events and concerts? 

Well, Circles of Faith has an awesome calendar with events from South Jersey to Long Island, Pennsylvania and Upstate New York!  We at COF have taken the time to locate events that are Christ-centered, fun, and of varied interests.  The intent of the calendar is to save time and make life easier for those of you who are looking to find spiritually based activities for yourself or your families.

For example, are you thinking about Vacation Bible School yet?  In my household, it was always a last- minute decision and the programs at various churches are not always easy to find.  The Circles of Faith Calendar has a listing of local VBS programs with contact information and even some website links.  

For summer fun, there are concerts, workshops, and bible studies! Take a look HERE.

Hope to see you at one of the many activities and events happening in our area!

Joy Kay

Director of Communications

Circles of Faith

How to Make Sure You Don’t Miss Any Events…

  • - Subscribe to Our FREE Calendar Newsletter - Our goal is to be your one-stop source for sharing and finding Christian events in our area. We’re working on an NJ Events Newsletter that will be delivered right to your inbox. How convenient is that? Just subscribe below:

Plus How to Include Your Events on Our Calendar:

- Send any information about events you know of to Joy Kay at We are delighted to post and share them with our readers. Please provide dates, times, location, logo, and a photograph where applicable. It’s Free!

- Forward this article to the Administrator or Events Coordinator at your church or organization let them know that their events can be a regular part of our calendar.

Joy is a Grant Writer/Social Media Strategist for a small nonprofit in Montclair, NJ.  She is a member of the Christ Church praise team and women's ministry, Area Coordinator for Moms In Prayer International, and an avid lacrosse and hockey mom.  She blogs at Joy Reclaimed

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