Slices - Noelle Rhodes

All us have stories that are waiting to be told. Each story, or slice of our life, offers a glimpse of how we have been shaped, what matters to us, and why it matters. At our March 5th Your Story Your Influence Retreat we will explore what it means to discover your story, embrace it, and share it with others. Here is a sample of what you'll have for yourself at the end of our next Women of Influence Event. 

Join us by registering HERE.

I thought I was the perfect mother. My son ate well as a baby. He slept well as a baby. He rarely cried as a baby. Clearly, I had figured out the magic of motherhood. Why was everyone else complaining that parenting was so hard?

As he grew, I noticed that my son didn't say very much at all. He wasn't developing as quickly as other children. I was concerned. We had just moved to Northern Ireland as missionaries. I was navigating a new country as a new mother in a totally new healthcare system. I wasn't sure how to get the help he needed. 

For years, we were tossed back and forth between autism clinics and hearing clinics. Our son was failing his hearing tests but because he had a "pending diagnosis" for autism, his audiograms were dismissed. Doctors felt that his lack of cooperation during the tests pointed towards autism and not a hearing impairment. The autism clinics would asses him and quickly discharge him. He didn't meet the criteria for autism. We were left without answers.

I cried a lot. 

I researched a lot.

I annoyed a lot of professionals and doctors with questions.

I wish I could save that I never gave up home, but there were lots of times that I did. 

Uncertainty has a way at keeping up at night.

 I had a lot of sleepless nights.

Due to circumstances, our family had to move to another part of Northern Ireland to work with a new church. In my heart, I was pretty mad about it. I felt like I had worked so hard to try to settle my little family and now God was up and moving us again. He seemed to be oblivious with how hard I felt life was already. 

With my heels dragging, we replanted ourselves in a new city which meant, our son would had to be reassessed to enter the school system. After reviewing my son's file, the educational psychologist requested that my son had an objective hearing test done. It was then that we discovered he is moderately to severely deaf in both ears. He was giving hearing aids and within six months, our boy who could barely speak a few words was now speaking full sentences. It was clear to me that God had used this move to the new city for the benefit of my son. Where I felt that He was being fair, He was actually leading us to answer that would ultimately change our lives forever.

I am thankful for those years of waiting in uncertainty.  Looking back, I see Jesus was able to handle my doubt and disappointment. Despite my lack of faith at times, He still worked on our behalf. This has deepen my trust in Him. I know that whatever uncertainty I find myself in today, I could believe He knows the way to bring me through.

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