

by Kimberly Amici

This year, let’s go beyond the good intentions and create a plan that will help us achieve those things that are on our heart. But where and how do you start? A good place to start is by creating SMART goals. The acronym SMART stands for: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. When creating goals for the New Year here are some things to consider:

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Teaching My Kids to Pray God’s Word Plus FREE Scripture Prayer Cards

Teaching My Kids to Pray God’s Word Plus FREE Scripture Prayer Cards

 by Kimberly Amici

I wasn’t sure what to pray with my kids in the evenings. I got tired of giving thanks for the wonderful day and then asking God to give us a good night sleep. “Now I lay me down to sleep…” didn't seem like a good option.  I can remember as a little girl saying it before I’d go to sleep at night, though I could never remember if I was supposed to pray for my soul to keep or to take. Eventually, fearing that I was going to get it wrong, I stopped praying this prayer altogether.  [Continue Reading...]

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6 Ways to Survive the Summer Juggle

6 Ways to Survive the Summer Juggle

The last bell rings and the kids run out out school screaming: “Last day of school!!” They are full of joy and enthusiasm as they anticipate what their summer will bring.

As a full-time working mom, my reaction isn’t quite as joyful as my children’s…okay it’s a lot different. What I feel is a bit of happiness mixed with larger doses of apprehension! Don’t get me wrong, I love spending quality time with my children. However, a lot of the time my kids are home, I will be in front of a computer working. So I’ll be spending the time minus the quality.

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