
When Saving Money Seems Impossible

When Saving Money Seems Impossible

by Elise Daly Parker

So for pretty much the 30+ years my beloved and I have been married, we have been “working” on our finances. Initially, it was just a matter of trying to be responsible with our money and not get in over our heads with debt. Truth be told, our success was short term. Some of this was circumstantial – unanticipated life and salary changes threw us for a loop. But, really? We overspent.

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Teaching Your Kids About Money – 4 Easy Steps To Get You Started

Teaching Your Kids About Money – 4 Easy Steps To Get You Started

by Kimberly Amici

It’s been 12 years since I have been free of consumer debt. Having struggled with managing money myself, I knew it was important to equip my kids with the necessary tools to manage their money. I want my kids to know their math facts and spelling words, but I also want them to be financially intelligent.

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