New Year

How to Make the Changes You Want to Make in the New Year

How to Make the Changes You Want to Make in the New Year

by Elise Daly Parker

How do you mark the New Year? Do you make resolutions? Do you embrace a theme? Or maybe you’re a One Word for the New Year type like me. Regardless of how you mark your New Year, now is a good time to take a look back and ask yourself a few questions. The best way to do this is to...

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To Make a New Year’s Resolution or Not? That Is The Question…

To Make a New Year’s Resolution or Not? That Is The Question…

by Elise Daly Parker

Even if you don’t go for a big New Year’s Eve celebration, the New Year can mark a fresh start, a new beginning, a shift in focus. It’s a good time to take a look back at the past, and consider a vision for the year ahead.

Many people choose a New Year’s resolution or two… [Continue Reading...]


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