The Power of Listening

Susanne Says - How Hearing from God Leads to Abundant Life - The Power of Listening - Part 6

Susanne Says - How Hearing from God Leads to Abundant Life - The Power of Listening - Part 6

by Susanne Ciancio, LPC

Above all, as followers of Christ, we know He is seeking an intimate relationship with us forged by devotion to the Word, prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers. Those disciplines connect us on a deeply personal level with His voice and direction. Scripture ties in hearing the voice of God with abundance and soul prosperity.

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Susanne Says – Do You Believe God Wants to Speak to You? The Power of Listening Part 5

Susanne Says – Do You Believe God Wants to Speak to You? The Power of Listening Part 5

by Susanne Ciancio, LPC

On any given day, I'm a daughter of The Most High with all the resources of Heaven available to me...but at times I may not be accessing any of those resources because I don’t see myself the way God does. I also don’t see my problems the way God sees them. 

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Susanne Says - The Power of Listening - Part 4 Do You Believe God Wants to Speak to You?

Susanne Says - The Power of Listening - Part 4  Do You Believe God Wants to Speak to You?

God wants to talk to you. The supreme, sovereign King of the Universe longs to have an intimate relationship with you and me. INTIMATE...not just rule-following, church-going, service-oriented Christianity, but intimate relationship! That kind of relationship includes dialogue! [Continue Reading...]

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Susanne Says – How to Hear from God A Series on The Power of Listening – Part 3

Susanne Says – How to Hear from God  A Series on The Power of Listening – Part 3

By Susanne Ciancio, LPC

In my early days of seeking God, in pursuit of hearing His voice, I heard this message quite frequently, “You have two ears and one mouth!” This was my first clue as to what is most important to God...talking or listening?  Think about it for a moment, do we need to tell God the minute details of our situations as if He needs to be informed? Nothing wrong with pouring out our hearts to God and expressing our feelings, as a matter of fact it can be very cleansing indeed. However...if we want to hear from God we need to stop talking! [Continue Reading...]

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Susanne Says – Are You Really Listening to Your Spouse? A Series on The Power of Listening – Part 2

Susanne Says – Are You Really Listening to Your Spouse? A Series on The Power of Listening – Part 2

by Susanne Ciancio, Licensed Professional Counselor

When I listen only with the intent to reply, I'm missing the entire message of the speaker - the content, intent, feelings, and so much more.  My focus is me and my thoughts, feelings, and reactions. There's a guarantee the speaker won't feel heard, understood, or connected to me.  When we practice that kind of listening, we are truly ineffective listeners. So how can we change that? [Continue Reading...]

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Susanne Says - Does your husband listen to you? A Series on The Power of Listening – Part 1

Susanne Says - Does your husband listen to you? A Series on The Power of Listening – Part 1

By Susanne Ciancio, LPC

So, does your husband listen to you?

I know that can be a loaded question! At the base of much marital conflict there is an issue of not listening well to each other. More than that, couples often struggle with giving the time and attention required to really hear what their spouse is saying. Want to make a wife happy? Give her a husband who devotes focused time listening to her - hearing her heart, her hopes, and her dreams...not to mention her frustrations.  Of course, the same is true for our husbands. [Continue Reading...]

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