You Are Made For A God-Sized Dream Book Review and a FREE Giveawa

Holley Gerth has released a new book, You're Made for a God-Sized Dream, brought to us by the publishers at Revell.

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This book is for anyone who is looking for a way to dig deeper and take an honest look at their skills and strengths; and then to figure out how to utilize them to fulfill their dreams. 

We each are born with a dream inside of us; something we just know and feel in our deepest parts that we were made to do. This book is Holley’s way of leaning in close and saying, “Yes, you have a dream, let’s discover it together. You can do this.”  It’s up to us to figure out what those dreams are to live the best life God has planned for us. It doesn’t have to be a super big dream; it could be anything from desiring to be a stay-at-home mom, to writing a book, or opening up your own store.

 “It’s not about what you do but how you do it. It’s about pursuing life with passion and purpose and going wherever God leads.” (God-Sized Dream, p. 12)

In You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream, Holley mixes resources and interactive tools with godly counsel and wisdom to help us make clear concise steps toward making our dreams a reality.

As I read this book, I could almost picture Holley sitting across from me, saying, “You can do this, I believe in you!” She challenges us to look deep at that desire that won’t go away and gives us easy practical steps to help us formulate what God is calling us to do. She understands the fears and insecurities that hold us back, and each chapter addresses them head-on.

“You don’t have to be sure of your dream to move forward. You only have to be certain of the One that is whispering to you that it’s time to come with him to a new place. Just take the next step. And then another.”( p. 47)

This book challenged me to look my fears in the eye and led me to wonder why in the world I was holding back and denying the person God made me to be. How that must grieve Him when we doubt the very dreams He placed in our heart, and question whether or not they are good enough.

Somewhere along the way we put our dreams up on a shelf and put them on hold for another day. We think, One day, when money is right, family situations are right…Someday, when the conditions are perfect, or we have the right amount of confidence to pursue our dreams… Then we will pursue the dream we’ve tucked away.

But, my friend, things will never be “normal” and the conditions will never be “just right.”

There will always be doubters. I love this line from Holley’s book, “You don’t need a buy-in from all your coworkers, your entire Bible Study, your high school friends on Facebook, and the checkout girl from the grocery store. Sometimes we delay our dreams because we think that everyone’s approval is confirmation. (Psst it’s not!”) (p. 40).

When we feel like we aren’t able, remember God is able. He made you unique and one-of-a-kind. He wouldn’t have made you the way you are and then placed a desire in your heart that isn’t compatible with whom He made you to be. You are unique, special, and no one else can fulfill your dream. It’s there only for you.

If I had any doubts or fears about my dreams before, Holley has pretty much blown them all out of the water! I have no good real excuse for putting off and delaying another day. This book is a must-read for those of us that need that gentle nudge to get up on our feet up and start running. With God on our side, there’s nothing we can’t do!

So, tell me, what dreams are stirring inside of you? Tell us HERE

Your answer in the Comments could win you this fabulous new book, You're Made for a God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth!

Update: Giveaway is closed. 

Alecia blogs over at There’s Something Different at She is a Southerner by birth (and grace) and gypsy by marriage (she’s moved seven times in the last 11 years).  She writes to encourage others to live differently because once you’ve been changed by Christ, youare different.  Her favorite verse in the Bible is “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” Phil 4:13. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

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