Spiritual Growth

What Kind of Legacy are You Leaving Your Children?

What Kind of Legacy are You Leaving Your Children?

By April Sliwak for the Glory of God

I come from a family of “yellers.” I never thought anything of it; raising our voices when we spoke to one another was common. Then, my oldest daughter, at about four years old, asked me one day, “Mommy, why are you always angry and yelling at me?” I stopped in my tracks. I realized instantly, by the grace of God, that I was communicating in the only way I knew, and it wasn’t pretty. [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series - (Always) Just in Time…

The Dog Series - (Always) Just in Time…

by Chelle Wilson

For Christmas last year, I got a new iPod.  My new Nano replaced one three times its size with only one fourth the capacity. My sweetheart bought it in support of my latest evolution--runner. Running is moving meditation--the permission I grant myself for intimate worship--3 to 4 times a week or more. [Continue Reading...]

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Next in the Dog Series - Relying on Grace…

Next in the Dog Series - Relying on Grace…

by Chelle Wilson

I had a refreshing conversation with my Gayle this morning.  (I know, you’ve missed the adventures of Gayle, right? She’s well…). She confessed to me that she’s guilty of setting expectations which are, more often than not, unmet.  They leave her feeling disappointed and exhausted.  I told her to stop setting them. [Continue Reading...]

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Dying to Defensiveness How Silence Can Make Us More Like Jesus

Dying to Defensiveness How Silence Can Make Us More Like Jesus

By Susan Panzica

Last Wednesday, I attended the Ash Wednesday contemplative service at my church. What a blessing to take an hour to simply rest and ponder the sacrifice Jesus made for us, for me. At various stations, we had the opportunity to read Psalms, take communion, remember Gethsemane, etc. When I read this verse, I was moved to tears despite its familiarity [Continue Reading...]

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It’s a New Year…Why Am I Feeling So Many Old Feelings?

It’s a New Year…Why Am I Feeling So Many Old Feelings?

By Megan Romeo

New year. New beginning. New season. Yet same old feelings of brokenness, hurt, and ache that penetrate my heart. You see friends, in August I said goodbye to my dad who, after fighting a courageous battle against cancer, went Home to be in our Heavenly Father’s eternal and glorious presence. My world came crashing down as I cried, pleaded to Jesus to bring healing to my dad’s body. My heart and soul shattered for my family, as we experienced a loss that will be forever imprinted on our hearts. [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series - He Even Teaches Me About Community

The Dog Series - He Even Teaches Me About Community

by Chelle Wilson

Most mornings, I walk my dog as the sun rises. It is solitary fellowship, movement as I make my way through the scriptures by way of the Listener’s Bible. Despite the early hour and the fact that we are virtually alone, I’m still not isolated and disconnected. For evening walks, usually before sundown, there are no ear buds, and people are around. In either case, Sando is good for my health. According to an article published on active.com, dog owners may be healthier people. An added bonus for me? [Continue Reading...]

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10 Things You Can Do to Re-Kindle the Flame

10 Things You Can Do to Re-Kindle the Flame

by Kimberly Amici

When my husband and I first met, I lived in Atlanta and he lived in New York City. While visiting the Big Apple, I met up with a college friend for drinks. She had a friend, who had a friend…

It wasn’t until a few months later that we “got together.” I was back in town visiting and I reached out to him to see if he wanted to catch up. He did.

After I returned to Atlanta we started calling each other.

At first in was only once a day, then it was two, sometimes even three times a day. At night we’d talk on the phone for hours, just getting to know one another. We started to email back and forth too. I couldn’t wait to see his name come across the computer screen. We forwarded interesting articles, continued conversations we started on the phone, and let the other know we missed them. [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series - Polar Vortex

The Dog Series - Polar Vortex

By Chelle Wilson

This prayer is dedicated in part to the Polar Vortex, which has given us some of the most intense winter weather I can ever remember. It may be because I am older now, and snow and cold are more about heating the house, having suitable snow tires, and driving safely rather than finding the steepest hill to sled down, making the most audacious snowman, or filling an as yet undiscovered virgin plain with a heavenly host of snow angels. In any case, I am grateful that God speaks to me in many ways, often through the deep brown eyes of my beloved fur companion even on a treacherous and icy morning stroll. [Continue Reading…]


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Finding Blessings No Matter What

Finding Blessings No Matter What

by Beth Stiff

By the time you read, this Thanksgiving will be over and we will be counting down the days until Christmas. However, as I write I’m preparing for Thanksgiving, so stay with me.

I look ahead to both the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday with mixed emotions.

My family will spend Thanksgiving apart. I will be off to see my husband for the last time before he deploys and our children will both be in different states. [Continue Reading...]

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Third in The Dog Series- Mind My Heart and Bind My Tongue…

Third in The Dog Series- Mind My Heart and Bind My Tongue…

For those who know me well, it comes as no surprise that I’m working on keeping a civil or silent tongue in my head. It's not that I'm mean, just prone to be snarky. I didn’t have the best day yesterday, so rather than succumbing to frustration and the guilt associated with failing (again), I walked the dog. He’s cheaper than therapy and keeps all my secrets. I also use the quiet time (since Sando’s not a chatterbox) to pray, be still, and listen to hear answers to problems I’m facing. [Continue Reading...]

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The View From My Living Room

The View From My Living Room

By Noelle Rhodes

I look out my living room window and see shattered glass everywhere. My eyes blur with exhaustion, but for the moment, I am sobered by the sight before me. 

The night before, Troy and I had been lying in bed watching a television program together. The plot was set in Venezuela. I turned to Troy and said, “The Lord knows me well. I don’t think I could be a missionary to Venezuela. Thankfully, He sent me to Northern Ireland. I’ll take the rain and the riots over hot weather and big bugs any day.” [Continue Reading…]

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Six Ways to Vanquish the Unappreciation Woes

Six Ways to Vanquish the Unappreciation Woes

By Susan Panzica

“Mom!! He didn’t say his thank you!” [Eyes blazing, finger pointing, hand on hip, you get the picture.]

From the time they could speak, I drilled my kids with the importance of saying their “thank yous.” So when a classmate didn’t express his appreciation to my then four-year-old son, AJ was duly indignant. 

What’s a mom to do? Think quick! 

I answered that if we get a “thank you” here on earth, that’ll be all the thanks we get, but if we don’t receive a “thank you” here on earth, God will reward us in heaven. And that’s even better than an earthly “thank you.” (Matt. 6:1-4) [Continue Reading…]

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Sunday Services Are Just the Beginning of Church

Sunday Services Are Just the Beginning of Church

By Micalagh Beckwith Moritz

Lately, I have been going to church a lot. Every day, in fact. Several times a day. Not in the way you might think, though. I don’t actually mean I go into a church building, attend a church service, sing worship songs with a congregation several times a day. What I mean is, I have changed my outlook on church. I have been viewing every place I go as a place to meet God. And I have been pleasantly surprised. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love attending a church service on Sunday. I see it as vital to my Christian journey, to connect regularly with the body of Christ, to the larger Christian church. My journey would be incomplete without engaging in such communal worship, singing hymns, receiving Communion, and meeting afterwards for coffee and conversation. But Sunday services are [Continue Reading…]

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He’s Got This

He’s Got This

By Beth Stiff

The only thoughts occupying my mind these days are ones related to my husband’s upcoming deployment. This deployment will be a first for my family. One thing I’m sure of as my family enters this new season—God is with us.

The same God here with me today and always is the same God who will be with my husband while he is miles and miles away from home. The same God happens to be with you too wherever you may be. At times, this can be hard for me to wrap my mind around. [Continue Reading...] 


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You Will Take Me for a Walk…

You Will Take Me for a Walk…

by Chelle Wilson

It’s time for another sermon from the dog.  

I’ve been taken to task three times this morning by people who love me for retreating into my miserableness and robbing people who need it of my sunshine (and here I was thinking my miserableness was all about me….hrmph!).

Every morning, I hear the conversely plaintive, playful, pleading cries of our doggy requesting his morning walk. His faith is unassailable, like mine needs to be.  There is no quavering uncertainty about whether he will be leashed, walked, watered, fed, played with, or adored.   [Continue Reading...]

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by Kimberly Coyle

When the judges at the dance competition asked him his name, he stuttered. Each question they asked brought on another short, halting answer. The judges smiled, they knew he was there to show off what he could do with his feet, not to give a speech, and they said, “Let’s see what you can do.” What he could do when the music set his body free, brought tears to the eyes of the panel.  [Continue Reading...]

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The Long Road to Belize

The Long Road to Belize

By Micalagh Moritz Beckwith

It has been two months since my husband and I packed up and stored most of our earthly belongings, gave as much as we could away, placed what was left into four suitcases, and flew to Belize, Central America. As we said goodbye to friends and family with much reminiscing and tears, we were reminded of just how amazing and supportive our community was. [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series – An Introduction

The Dog Series – An Introduction

By Chelle Wilson

When San Fernando joined our family I didn’t have any idea how he would change our lives. I could not know that he would become my ongoing object lesson in Faith. He has taught me in numerous ways that God is everywhere, particularly in the deep brown eyes of a puppy way too big to be a lap dog but still and forever adorably my baby.  [Continue Reading...]

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Susanne Says - Are You Stuck? Have I got the resource for you! Part 3

Susanne Says - Are You Stuck?  Have I got the resource for you!  Part 3

By Susanne Ciancio, LPC

This is the third installment of a series I’ve been writing on Bob Hamp’s Foundations of Freedom

One of the most basic premises of the Foundations of Freedom series is that we have a bad definition of freedom. We define freedom as the absence of something bad or negative, so our goal in life is to try and rid ourselves of something.  But a Biblical definition of freedom is quite different: It's the Presence of Someone, namely our Savior, Healer, Deliverer, Redeemer! Let's try this on for size. [Continue Reading...]

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Susanne Says - Are You Stuck? Have I Got the Resource for You - Part 2

Susanne Says -  Are You Stuck? Have I Got the Resource for You - Part 2

by Susanne Ciancio

Last month I shared about a wonderful resource I highly recommend to our Circles of Faith community called Foundations of Freedom. It's a five-part DVD set presented by Bob Hamp, a pastor who also has mental health credentials/licenses.

I will continue to write about the content of the series and why I'm so excited about it next month.  This month, however, I would like to devote my space to a dear friend's wonderful testimony about how the series impacted her life.  [Continue Reading...]

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