5 Ways to Keep Up with Your Favorite Online Content — Slices of Life

5 Ways to Keep Up with Your Favorite Online Content

Blogs are more popular then ever before. And while it’s exciting to have so much content, information, and inspiration to choose from online, it can also leave us thinking, How do I read it all?

Many of us don’t have time to stop by and read the latest posts on the blogs we follow regularly. What happens if we want to read something new from a new writer, on a different topic than our usuals?  And, when we’re not sure what we are looking for, browsing the Internet can lead us down a rabbit hole that steals time.

The good news is, you have choices when it comes to receiving the blogs and articles you care most about. As content creators, we want to share how to enjoy all your favorite reads in ways that are most convenient to you.

Here’s a list of popular ways to read the online content you want to read, including ours, without all the hassle.

1. Email subscriptions – One of the best ways to “never miss a post” from your favorite blog is by signing up for a subscription. Usually there will be a place in the side bar where you can enter your email address. Then, presto, after you have confirmed you did indeed sign up, each post will be delivered to your inbox.

To subscribe to get Circle of Faith post emailed directly to your inbox CLICK HERE.

There are perks to being on a site’s mailing list, such as exclusive content and advance opportunities to sign up for courses, conferences, and seminars. It’s easy to sign up for an email subscription and if you no longer want to receive content you can simply unsubscribe. Just click unsubscribe on the bottom of the email.

2. Flipboard – This is an online personal magazine app (available for Apple, Google, Windows, and Blackberry) designed for phones and tablets, but is also accessible on a PC. It gathers stories through an RSS feed from around the web and delivers them to you in an attractive visual feed. Once you have created an account, Flipboard will assemble a magazine just for you based on your interests, Facebook, or Twitter feeds. If you don’t want to create your own flipboard, you can access and subscribe to those created by others.

Check out Circles of Faith’s April Issue. Each month, we include posts published from the pervious month on Circles of Faith, as well as from our contributors’ blogs.

3. Paper.li – Very similar to Flipboard, Paper.li is likened to a virtual newspaper. You create an account by signing in with your Facebook or Twitter account. Paper.li creates a daily or weekly newspaper using your social media feeds. It picks up stories share by the people you follow Twitter. Just like Flipbook, you don’t have to sign up to read content others create.

We have a weekly edition that you can subscribe to or access through our side bar.

4. Feedly - This is a great way to organize, read, and share the content of your favorite sites. It compiles feeds from a variety of online sources that you can easily customize by simply typing in the names of your favorite sites. If you read something you like you can share it with others. You sign up with Feedly with your Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Microsoft account. What I love is the number of different ways you can view your content. This can be designated in the settings. The Feedly app is available for your Apple devices or Android.

5. Facebook – When Facebook first launched it was a way to connect with family and friends. Over the years, it has evolved into a place where you can read great content from the sites you LIKE. 

Have you LIKED our Facebook page?

As the Internet changes, so do the sites we love, including Facebook. Now, the more you click Like and Share on the posts you enjoy, the more content you will see from them on your feed. The opposite is true as well. So don’t forget to interact with Circles of Faith, for example, by clicking “Like” and “Share” on our Facebook page if you want to continue to see what we are posting.

 These are just some of the ways you can enjoy online content, especially ours!

Subscribe to Circles of Faith through any of the options above or LIKE us on Facebook to be entered to win a copy of Shauna Niequist's book Bittersweet.

We would love to hear for you! How do you weed through the online content that’s available? What’s your favorite way to read once you find something you want to read?

Kimberly Amici is an enthusiastic and dedicated founding member of the Circles of Faith team. She is known for her creativity, strong faith, and commitment to living life with purpose and passion. Kimberly is a writer and community builder whose desire is for hearts to be healed, minds to be renewed and women to be connected in fellowship just as God intended.

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