Moms’ Night Out Review — Slices of Life

Moms’ Night Out Review

Moms’ Night Out opens tonight, May 9th, Mother’s Day weekend

Why not grab a couple of girlfriends and go?

I first heard about this movie while attending the Allume Conference back in October. We were shown sneaks peak of the film. I like what I saw and was looking forward to seeing once it hit the theaters. In April I was given an opportunity to prescreen Moms’ Night Out. I was not disappointed. It is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time.

I LOVED the movie, I laughed hysterically, and even cried a few times. << Click to Tweet

When I left the theatre I was excited to tell my friends and our Circles of Faith readers all about it.

Here’s the story…

Allyson and her friends are overdue for a much-needed mom’s night out. Dressed up and looking good, the ladies head out for a peaceful, grown-up evening of dinner and conversation. The evening turns out to be anything but. 

The film has a stellar cast that includes Sarah Drew (Grey’s Anatomy), Patricia Heaton (Everybody Loves Raymond), and Sean Astin (The Lord of The Rings and Rudy). It also stars others you may have seen in faith-based movie, such as Robert Amaya (Courageous) and Alex Kendrick (Courageous, Facing the Giants).

Check out this video of an interview with three of the actresses from Moms’ Night Out. << Click to Tweet

This film is an endearing family comedy that celebrates the beautiful mess of parenting. It is for anyone looking for quality entertainment without the offensive elements typically seen on the big screen.

For more information on Moms’ Night Out, visit the official site.  

Live in NJ?

We are having a Circles of Faith Social to watch the movie. Why not join us? We will be at the AMC Clifton Commons in Clifton NJ. Let us know your coming by clicking here.

Have you seen Moms’ Night Out?  We’d love to hear what you think in the comments below. 

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