5 Simple All-Natural Items That Will Change Your Life

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Okay, I must admit…

I am the type of gal who loves her high-end beauty products, enjoys an ‘adult’ beverage at the end of the day, eats from her kid’s Happy Meal box (when no one is looking) and even sneaks the occasional little pink package of sweetener for my latte.

However, for the better half of a year, I have been suffering from a skin condition that set up shop on both of my eyelids. The pain and embarrassment became all consuming. Even after cleaning out my makeup drawer and trying every pharmaceutical aid possible, I knew it was time to revisit my lifestyle habits.

Though I have always enjoyed eating well and exercising, I have certainly not joined the Go Green health movement. In fact, I have always lived my life with the philosophy “everything in moderation.” Let’s face it, old habits die hard; change is difficult (but not impossible), and establishing healthy lifestyle routines take time, money, effort, and commitment.

After visiting my dermatologist and being tested for allergies, I discovered that I am allergic to a highly common, toxic chemical found in almost all of our everyday products – from dish soap to cosmetics. Despite my best efforts to be healthy, I was contaminating my body on a daily basis. Then add the daily intake of certain dietary components…it was no wonder my immune system was out of whack.

The chemical, a preservative called Methylisothiazolinone (MI or MIT), is routinely added to moisturizers, sunscreens, shampoos, wet wipes, laundry detergent, dish soap, and more. Even if you do not show signs of an allergic reaction, doctors are urging everyone to avoid products that include this as an ingredient, as well as other toxic and poisonous cancer-causing chemicals that can lead to long-term chronic diseases. In fact, many cosmetic giants and big brands are being urged to remove this chemical from their products.

If I am being completely honest, I thought it was unrealistic to change everything…at least for me, my three picky sons, and my “set in his ways” husband. Yet, on a quest to feel better, I began to research more about the dangers lurking in my food pantry, medicine cabinet, and cupboards, I recognized it was time to start making changes for my benefit and for that of my family.

Incorporating simple, all natural ingredients, into your life is easier than you think! <<Click to Tweet

Rather than making everyone around me paranoid by reinventing myself overnight, I incorporated slow changes.

Establish money-saving, healthy habits and you'll be blown away by the results in your overall well-being. <<Click to Tweet

Here is a simple, easy-to-incorporate list of my favorite health and beauty tips and websites.

1.     Kick-Start the Day with Lemon Water ~ Rich in vitamin C, the benefits of drinking lemon water every morning are too long to list. From flushing out toxins to providing a clearer mental state, my body craves this powerful morning drink. Sure, I still drink a cup of coffee, but now find I don’t need to reach for a second serving. Another benefit…a bowl of lemons looks lovely on the kitchen counter!

How to Make: ½ cup squeezed lemon juice to 6-8 oz. of lukewarm (or room temperature).

Learn More: http://blogs.naturalnews.com/15-reasons-drinking-lemon-water-every-morning/

2.     Coco for Coconut Oil ~ There are dozens of benefits and ways to incorporate coconut oil daily. I stock a container in the kitchen for cooking, one in the shower for hair conditioning, and one in the medicine cabinet for my beauty and first-aid needs. This amazing (and inexpensive) miracle oil was the only thing I found to soothe my irritated skin. It also has become one of the main ingredients in my homemade deodorant and nighttime moisturizer.

Learn more: http://wellnessmama.com/2072/benefits-of-coconut-oil/

3.     Castile Soap for Cleaning Skin (and everything else) ~ Skin is the largest organ in our bodies. Protecting it from harsh chemicals is so important. Derived from olive oil, this soap is pure, natural, and effective. A popular brand is Dr. Bronner’s, but it can also be made at home from a few simple ingredients. I use it for hand and dish washing as well as a main ingredient in my shampoo and laundry detergent.

Learn more: http://www.naturallivingideas.com/replace-10-household-products-with-castile-soap/

4.     Bath Time Bliss with Epsom Salt ~ Magnesium is a mineral that is crucial for the body’s function. It helps fight stress, insomnia, anxiety, and aids productivity. Soaking in a bath with thee cups of Epsom salt twice a week helps to soothe my skin and aching muscles as well.

Learn more: http://www.epsomsaltcouncil.org/news/articles/new-years-resolution-sleep-better-feel-better.php

5.     Time for Tea ~ There is no secret that drinking tea offers wonderful health benefits. With tons of varieties on the market today, there are lots of flavors to choose from. During the day, I enjoy a hibiscus oolong blend to promote healthy skin. At night, I often cozy up with a comforting peppermint blend for digestion. Whichever you choose, try to enjoy loose tea. Though teabags are more convenient, loose tea offers more benefits. Be sure to steer clear of dieter’s teas, however, as warned by the FDA.

Learn more: http://www.webmd.com/diet/tea-types-and-their-health-benefits

I’d love to hear how you stay healthy and strong. Share with us in the comments below!

*Important Note about Sickness and Healing:

I am by no means a medical doctor and I certainly seek professional care when necessary. I can also say, with great confidence, that there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” lifestyle regimen that helps everyone. The truth is, compliments of Adam and Eve’s sin, sickness and diseases are simply the result of living in a fallen world. However, I continue to believe in the healing powers of The Great Physician and Healer, the Lord Jesus Christ {Exodus 15:26}, and do my very best to make healthy choices.

*Important Note about Sickness and Healing:

I am by no means a medical doctor and I certainly seek professional care when necessary. I can also say, with great confidence, that there is no such thing as a “one size fits all” lifestyle regimen that helps everyone. The truth is, compliments of Adam and Eve’s sin, sickness and diseases are simply the result of living in a fallen world. However, I continue to believe in the healing powers of The Great Physician and Healer, the Lord Jesus Christ {Exodus 15:26}, and do my very best to make healthy choices.

Angele is an American Expat living in Europe with her husband and their three lively boys. In a house full of males, she enjoys retail therapy and everything girlie! Angele is an imperfect woman living in an imperfect world. She loves the Lord, but fails Him daily. She welcomes the good news that His love never fails. She never saw herself as a writer, but believes everyone has a story to share and is grateful that God has given her the courage to bless through her mess(ages). After giving into His unmatched voice, Angele created Angel Dancing as a place to spread her spiritual wings and sprinkle seeds of faith around the world. He is the Creator, she is only His messenger. Angele hopes your steps of faith will be the dance of your life!

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