Dog Series

The Dog Series… Can we ever be content--A sermon on the leash.

The Dog Series… Can we ever be content--A sermon on the leash.

by Chelle Wilson

After about 3 miles of walking in the crisp morning air, a full dish of kibble, a bowl of ice cubes, and a downward dog stretch or two, my Sando slides, languidly, languorously into repose, and then into deep sleep. He is content. Contentment by definition is “feeling or showing satisfaction with one’s possession, status, or situation.” Today’s prayer for my husband is that he might be content. [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series - (Always) Just in Time…

The Dog Series - (Always) Just in Time…

by Chelle Wilson

For Christmas last year, I got a new iPod.  My new Nano replaced one three times its size with only one fourth the capacity. My sweetheart bought it in support of my latest evolution--runner. Running is moving meditation--the permission I grant myself for intimate worship--3 to 4 times a week or more. [Continue Reading...]

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Next in the Dog Series - Relying on Grace…

Next in the Dog Series - Relying on Grace…

by Chelle Wilson

I had a refreshing conversation with my Gayle this morning.  (I know, you’ve missed the adventures of Gayle, right? She’s well…). She confessed to me that she’s guilty of setting expectations which are, more often than not, unmet.  They leave her feeling disappointed and exhausted.  I told her to stop setting them. [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series - He Even Teaches Me About Community

The Dog Series - He Even Teaches Me About Community

by Chelle Wilson

Most mornings, I walk my dog as the sun rises. It is solitary fellowship, movement as I make my way through the scriptures by way of the Listener’s Bible. Despite the early hour and the fact that we are virtually alone, I’m still not isolated and disconnected. For evening walks, usually before sundown, there are no ear buds, and people are around. In either case, Sando is good for my health. According to an article published on, dog owners may be healthier people. An added bonus for me? [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series - Polar Vortex

The Dog Series - Polar Vortex

By Chelle Wilson

This prayer is dedicated in part to the Polar Vortex, which has given us some of the most intense winter weather I can ever remember. It may be because I am older now, and snow and cold are more about heating the house, having suitable snow tires, and driving safely rather than finding the steepest hill to sled down, making the most audacious snowman, or filling an as yet undiscovered virgin plain with a heavenly host of snow angels. In any case, I am grateful that God speaks to me in many ways, often through the deep brown eyes of my beloved fur companion even on a treacherous and icy morning stroll. [Continue Reading…]


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Third in The Dog Series- Mind My Heart and Bind My Tongue…

Third in The Dog Series- Mind My Heart and Bind My Tongue…

For those who know me well, it comes as no surprise that I’m working on keeping a civil or silent tongue in my head. It's not that I'm mean, just prone to be snarky. I didn’t have the best day yesterday, so rather than succumbing to frustration and the guilt associated with failing (again), I walked the dog. He’s cheaper than therapy and keeps all my secrets. I also use the quiet time (since Sando’s not a chatterbox) to pray, be still, and listen to hear answers to problems I’m facing. [Continue Reading...]

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You Will Take Me for a Walk…

You Will Take Me for a Walk…

by Chelle Wilson

It’s time for another sermon from the dog.  

I’ve been taken to task three times this morning by people who love me for retreating into my miserableness and robbing people who need it of my sunshine (and here I was thinking my miserableness was all about me….hrmph!).

Every morning, I hear the conversely plaintive, playful, pleading cries of our doggy requesting his morning walk. His faith is unassailable, like mine needs to be.  There is no quavering uncertainty about whether he will be leashed, walked, watered, fed, played with, or adored.   [Continue Reading...]

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The Dog Series – An Introduction

The Dog Series – An Introduction

By Chelle Wilson

When San Fernando joined our family I didn’t have any idea how he would change our lives. I could not know that he would become my ongoing object lesson in Faith. He has taught me in numerous ways that God is everywhere, particularly in the deep brown eyes of a puppy way too big to be a lap dog but still and forever adorably my baby.  [Continue Reading...]

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